Sunday, January 8, 2012

Crunchy yummy chinese chicken salad

     So one of my goals this year was to finally start a food blog.  So here it goes and I'm really excited to start this blog because I get super excited about food!  I stay home all day with a two year old and a five year old and I NEED an outlet to talk about stuff that I love and that would be food.  If I could watch the food network all day I would.  I could sit down and read recipe books for hours.  I get so excited to try new recipes and sometimes they turn out bad but i have a wonderful husband that still eats everything I make :) I would say baking is my expertise and yes I did go to culinary school years ago before my family and I specialized in pastries and baking.  Now that I'm in mommy world my kids consume most of my time. I don't really bake as much as I would love but that's okay because I love being a Mom too!  So when I do get a chance to bake or cook something cool I really want to talk about it and share it with you all.
My first recipe I would love to share is my Chinese Chicken Salad that I just made this week. 
I like to use half romaine lettuce and half cabbage.  The cabbage gives the salad a good crunch and is really healthy for you.  I also add a little cilantro.  You don't have to use cilantro because I know people either love it or hate it. But I love it! Roasted chicken is the easiest to use and Costco has the best rotisserie chickens and they are only $4.99.  Love love love avocado so have to add a little bit of that and some green onions.  This time I used chopped mixed nuts or any kind of roasted nuts are good and roasted garbanzo beans.  If you haven't tried roasted garbanzo beans they are really good.  Drain and rinse them let them dry out.  Then put them in the oven 400 degrees a little olive oil salt and pepper for 20 min.  They are crunchy on the outside and still soft in the middle.  Or they are just really good for a snack.  And then to top it all off I use a sesame dressing that you could find in the Asian food aisle.  I go to winco so I know they have it there but it is so good!  Here's a pic of it. It's good for so many different things.  Love it! You have to try it.  So there you go you have a wonderful tasty salad and I served it with breadsticks. And no they were not home made because I don't have that much time :)
I really hope I could give moms dinner ideas too by sharing the meals that I make.  I know how hard it is trying to come up with fast easy meals for your family. Enjoy :)


  1. I enjoyed reading your first post Ashley! I love that dressing you used, and it is gluten free, hooray! That salad looks really yummy, I am inspired!

  2. Ashley! First, I want to say how proud I am of you for taking the plunge and starting your blog! I'll be following you here through every post - can't wait to gleen all your food knowledge! This salad looks awesome and of course I'll be trying it with tofu. ;-)

    your big sis
